General Guidelines
No Revit family or model is too simple or too complex to put up for sale.
For pricing purposes, Revit families and models fall into three categories:
- Simple/Common - Simple families that are in common use. Price these items at $1-$5 for volume sales.
- Medium Complexity - A Revit family or model that will save a user 2-5 hours of work falls into this category. Price these items at $10-$25 depending on complexity. A user who will save 4 hours of work will be likely to pay $20 to save the time.
- Complex/Rare - Large or complex families and models, such as mechanical assemblies or an entire kitchen. Price these items at $30-$100.
These pricing guidelines are based on surveys of Revit professionals. While you might be tempted to price your items very low to attract buyers, our customers' buying patterns indicate that pricing an item well below its apparent value leads them to think it has little worth.
Pricing Table
Use this table to help you price your Revit families and models.
Type | Price Range | Examples |
Simple or popular | $1 - $5 | Door, window, shutter, beam, simple furniture |
Medium complexity | $10 - $25 | Furniture with multiple parts, appliances, simple plumbing fixtures |
Complex or rare | $30 - $100 | More than 10 different families, mechanical assmeblies, complete HVAC systems |