Certified products on TurboSquid have been verified to pass certain specifications. This content will work exactly as expected without further modifications. TurboSquid currently has three forms of certification, set by product (not artist):
- Game-Ready Certification for 3D models. Submissions for this type of certification was discontinued in February 2011, but models that had already passed at that time still carry this badge. To search on Game-Ready certified models only, you must limit your Product Type filter on the Search page to 3D Models only, which will cause the Certification filter to appear.
- Revit Certification for Building Components. This certification confirms that the RFA file works as expected in Revit. For example, if the RFA is parameterized, changing parameters will change the object's dimensions appropriately. To search on Revit Certified models only, you must limit your Product Type filter on the Search page to Building Components only, which will cause the Certification filter to appear.
- Alioscopy Certification for Alioscopy Templates. These templates are guaranteed to work correctly with an Alioscopy monitor. There is no badge for this certification; all Alioscopy Templates published at TurboSquid have been tested and certified.