Frequently Asked Questions about downloading in My Files

Here are our frequently asked questions:

I want to download my purchase. How do I do this?
How long do I have to download my purchases?
I cannot find the product I bought; where is my purchase?
Can I get a copy of my receipt (invoice)?
I removed Product I purchased by mistake. How do I get it back?


I want to download my purchase. How do I do this?


We provide an Individual File Downloading option.

Here is a full visual walkthrough on how to use each method.


How long do I have to download my purchases?


You have permanent access to your purchases at no charge. If the purchase has taken place more than 30 days prior to date, this does require a verification step. You can store as many files here as you like for as long as you like.


I cannot find the product I bought; where is my purchase?


All new purchases are added to the top level of the TurboSquid folder in My Files. You can filter this by the newest or oldest purchase date. Even if you have deleted or moved your product within the downloads folder, your product will always exist in the TurboSquid folder.
From the TurboSquid folder, locate the model that was moved or deleted and click on the option under the location area that says "copy to downloads".





Can I get a copy of my receipt (invoice)?


You can get a copy of your receipt (or invoice) anytime -- here’s a full how-to with images. The quick answer is to select the checkbox next to your product and click on the More menu, then “view receipt”. From there you can save a PDF, send it as an email or print.


I removed Product I purchased by mistake. How do I get it back?


The TurboSquid folder contains all the products you have ever purchased. Find the product there, then click on the option "copy to downloads". That will add a copy to your purchased files to the Download Folder area automatically.

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